The 2/2-way and 3/2-way compact valves are small parts which are usually used in applications where only limited space is available. These valves are control valves for pressure or vacuum processes for inorganic and organic media.
The valves of this valve series are normally open or normally closed. The internal volume of the valves is < 85 µl, and the valves have nearly zero dead volume. The maximum temperatures range between -10 °C and +55 °C, and the ambient temperature should not exceed +50 °C. The maximum working pressure is indicated with 2 bar, with a possible process vacuum of 0.5 bar.
The nominal width of 1.5 to 1.6 mm points to the flow rates and ranges the valve series for applications in “micro areas”.
Further specifications can be found:
2/2-Way Compact Valve
Further specifications can be found:
3/2-Way Compact Valve
Further specifications to the article group:
Solenoid Valves - Plastics